Shared by:xavier Nadine Saubers (Author) Would you know what to do if . . . Your child gets a nosebleed? An older person suffers a stroke? Someone slips and falls in your home? Doing the right thing in emergencies, large or small, can make all the difference. From minor cuts and scrapes to burns and broken bones The Everything First Aid [...]
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
[Certification] Free Everything First Aid Book: How to Handle Falls and Break...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
[Certification] Free CCNA INTRO Exam Certification Guide (CCNA Self-Study, 64...
Shared by:macus by Wendell Odom (Author) The official self-study test preparation guide for the Cisco CCNA INTRO exam 640-821 This best-selling study guide helps you master all the topics on the new CCNA INTRO exam, including: TCP/IP and OSI networking models Operating Cisco routers and LAN switches LAN switching basics, VLANs, and Trunking IP addressing and subnetting Basic router configuration and operation Discovering information [...]
Sunday, November 15, 2009
[Certification] Free Linux+ Study Guide: Exam XKO 001 Torrent Download
Shared by:macus Roderick W. Smith (Author) “Most computers are not designed or sold with Linux in mind…” Linux is here to stay, and the Linux+ certification from CompTIA is the perfect way to validate the fundamental Linux skills that will be in demand in the years ahead. Sybex is especially excited about this Linux+ Study Guide, as [...]
[Certification] Free Linux+ Certification Bible Torrent Download
Shared by:macus by Trevor Kay (Author) “In this chapter, I introduce you to the basics of Linux and I discuss a brief history of Linux …” The only guide you need for Linux+ exam success… You’re holding in your hands the most comprehensive and effective guide available for the CompTIA Linux+ exam. Trevor Kay delivers incisive, crystal–clear [...]
Saturday, November 14, 2009
[Certification] Free New Construction & Major Renovation Reference Guide (Ver...
Shared by:manu U.S. Green Building Council (Author) The LEED for New Construction v2.2 Reference Guide is over 400 pages of advice and information on using the LEED for New Construction version 2.2 Green Building Rating System for your building project. It has been thoroughly revised and updated since version 2.1 with new case studies, updated guidance and resources, [...]
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
[Certification] Free SCJD Exam with J2SE 5, Second Edition (Expert’s Vo...
Shared by:manu Terry Camerlengo (Author) You already know how crucial certification is within the Java community. SCJD Exam with J2SE 5, Second Edition is a valuable guide to prepare for the exam. This book has been updated for the new Java version, J2SE 5.0, and works its way through a project with requirements and structure similar to [...]
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
[Certification] Free CAE Result, New Edition: Student’s Book and Workbo...
Shared by:xavier Paul A. Davies (Author), Tim Falla (Author), Kathy Gude (Author), Mary Stephens (Author) CAE Result, New Edition: Student’s Book CAE Result, New Edition: Workbook Resource Pack with Key enjoy